Welcome to GhibliGuessr

PSA: There have been reports of buttons becoming unclickable during games.
If this happens to you, refreshing the page should fix the problem while keeping your streak/score intact!

GhibliGuessr is a browser quiz minigame for Studio Ghibli fans.
We collected still frames from every Ghibli film for you to inspect.
Can you link the scenes to their movies?
Be sure to check out the special modes as well!

You can also find us on  discord or you can add the  GhibliGuessrBot to your own server!

Please note that we are not affiliated with the Studio Ghibli company in any way.

Step 0: (Optional) Login to save your progress

Click here to login/register an account.

Step 1: Select your films

*Produced by Topcraft, Studio Ghibli's predecessor
**Co-production with Wild Bunch AG

or select by director

Step 2: Select a game mode

*Food, Sky and Creature modes include all films by default

Step 3: Press the button to begin!

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GhibliGuessr, 2020-2024 ||